Welcome to Caia Park Community Council website


 The website is currently being updated. If the information that you require is not yet on the website please contact the Clerk.

Caia Park Community Council was established in 1985 and is one of the four community councils within the built up area of Wrexham town, the others being Acton, Offa and Rhosddu. Caia Park has a resident population of over 13,000 and is the ninth largest community or town council in North Wales.


The service operates on the basis of pre-booked appointments and telephone consultations. If, due to your circumstances, you require a face-to-face appointment please speak to one of our advisers who will try to accommodate you. If you require support, telephone advice is available on: 01978 290614 daily or 07754549564 (Mon to Fri)    07754549560 (Mon  to Thurs) |  07561 694748 (Thurs/Fri only) Phones are manned between the hours of 9.00 - 4.30. Outside of these hours a messaging service is in operation.

Public Notices

Caia Park Community Council Twitter

Wrexham Council Website

Wrexham.com news website

Public Notices

Notice of Co-option



Published: 12 May 24

Caia Park Community Council has a part-time community agent who can advise any resident over 50 year of age on household problems, how to access services, combatting isolation and loneliness, and much more. If you need assistance please phone Kathy on 07946778557 or email: caiaparkcommunityagent@gmail.com - more detail click Caia Community Agent Read More...


Published: 12 May 24

Mental Health Awareness Week is from13th to 19th May 2024. This years theme is movement: moving more for our mental health. As a part of this important week the Community Council invites you to our Community Walk on Wednesday 15th May. Meet at the Hub at Caia Park Partnership at 12.30pm Walk starts at 1.00pm Please ensure that you are wearing suitable footwear for walking and that you have some water. Read More...


Published: 12 May 24

There is currently a vacancy on the Community Council for the Queensway Ward. If you are interested in applying to fill the vacancy, please look at the 'Notice of Co-option' above, under the public notice heading, or email the clerk on clerk@caiapark.gov.uk Read More...

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